Last year in December, I and fourteen other girls from our school, who were in eighth and ninth grades, had an unforgettable experience. Together with the Middle school in Gerolzhofen, the Girls’ school in Volkach went on a language trip to England for the first time. We were all really excited about it. In the morning of 1 December, we got on the bus, which took us to a beautiful, old small town called Broadstairs. It’s located on the beach, which I found very cool. We stayed there for one week and attended Kent school of English to improve our English and to learn something new. The lessons began at 9 a.m. in the morning. We had a lot of fun and the lessons were so different to the English lessons we are used to at our school. We discussed a lot of interesting topics to practice speaking and we laughed a lot. The teachers and the other members of the class I was in were very friendly and funny. In the afternoons after our lunch break, we always had an amazing program. The first day, for example, we did a rally in Broadstairs. We explored the town in small groups and had to find the right answers to questions about the town, which were given to us. On the fourth day, we went to Canterbury, where we saw the famous Cathedral. Furthermore, we did so-called Coastal Walk, where we walked down by the coast to the next small town. Of course, I can’t forget the best attraction ever, which was the trip to London. We went there for the whole day and it was so exciting. We went sightseeing: we saw the Elizabeth Tower and heard Big Ben ringing with our own ears, we walked to Buckingham Palace and we saw the London Eye, too. Afterwards, we got some free time to explore the city on our own in small groups.

In the evenings of the other days, we didn’t think about sleeping, instead we had some other exciting activities. One of them was a traditional Barn dance to quick country music, played by a life band, which was much better than we had expected. Once we also had a disco, where we just partied and danced until late night. I also enjoyed the vibe of the Karaoke evening, when we all showed our amazing singing talents and screamed to the lyrics. After those late evenings we went back to our host families, where we stayed for the week. They were very friendly, generous and always ready to help. I really enjoyed my stay there. On 7December we went back home. For me, the trip to England was fantastic. This new experience was just great and I also became more confident in speaking English.

I would recommend this trip to every other student, because it was such a great time and it’s definitely worth the experience.


Text: Klara Biegner, 9a

Fotos: Mädchenrealschule Volkach